Who Qualifies for the Georgelis Injury Law Firm Scholarship & How to Apply

If you want to get a scholarship for your studies from one of the premier truck accident Injury lawyers Lancaster PA, then you might have already heard about the Georgelis Injury Law Firm Scholarship. Let’s check out some of the details behind this contest. If you need a scholarship for law school, read on carefully.

Must to Preparing to Imminently Attend Law School in 2021 

If you want to get your scholarship from the best Lancaster tractor trailer accident lawyers here at Georgelis, you will need to demonstrate that you are attending law school imminently in 2021. This is the first and most critical qualifier that you must show proof of.

Submissions Will be Judged as Complete by Georgelis Injury Law Firm 

The judging team at Georgelis Injury Law Firm reserves the right to mark a submission as complete or incomplete in coherence with their rules. All people who successfully submit an essay, though, will at least receive confirmation that their submission was received by e-mail.

Essays with 750-1000 Words Must be Written 

In order to apply for this scholarship, you must write a 750-1000 word essay. This essay is to address whether or not the United States should conduct a thorough investigation into the origin(s) of the COVID-19 virus. Your opinion should be backed by evidence and facts.

Winner Will Receive a $1,500 Scholarship 

If youare chosen as the winner for the scholarship, you will soon receive a $1,500 scholarship to be used towards your studies. This scholarship is anticipated to be rewarded by July 31st, 2021 directly to the law school of the winner.

Need a Personal Injury Lawyer in Your Professional Circle? 

If you want to keep one of the best Lancaster truck accident lawyers in Pennsylvania, drop us an e-mail here at Georgelis Injury Law Firm. We love to hear from students that are going to be future leaders in this industry. We are also always seeking new clients who need help with a personal injury case.


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