Causes of Wrongful Death Georgelis Injury Law Firm Can Help With

 Many people who are searching around for an auto injury attorney Lancaster PA need a lawyer that can help in cases of wrongful death. Georgelis Injury Law Firm is a top-tier choice for getting the justice you deserve. Let’s look at some of the most common causes of wrongful death we have seen.  


1. Using a Cellphone

There are many laws around the nation the prohibit people from using cellphones while driving. After helping many clients with loved ones who died because of someone else using a cellphone, we know too well how tragic unlawful use of a cellphone can be.

2. Adjusting a Radio

When you are driving, you should keep your full focus on what is in front of you. When you focus more on the music you are listening to, it can quickly result in wrongful death.

3. Driving While Intoxicated

There are few crimes we consider worse than wrongful death caused by an intoxicated driver. Whether they were drinking alcohol or abusing another type of drug, we can help you get justice for wrongful death caused by an intoxicated driver.

4. Using a GPS System

In addition to using a cellphone, many people experience wrongful death after the other driver was adjusting a GPS. Although this helped them plan their route in the short term, it can result in the loss of a precious life.

5. Not Following Traffic Laws

If a driver is not following basic traffic laws such as speed limits, staying on the right of the road, and so on, they can put lives at risk. Each year, many deaths are caused by drivers who were simply not following traffic laws.

Need a Wrongful Death Lawyer?

If you want to hire the best possible personal injury attorney Lancaster PA for a wrongful death case, be sure to consider Georgelis Injury Law Firm. Although money will do little to help your grief, it is the least we can help you secure. Get in touch with us to discuss the full range of justice we can help provide.


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