Risks that You Take by Not Reporting a Car Accident

 One of the reasons that people will search for experienced accident injury lawyers in Central PA is because they need help after an accident that they failed to report. However, this might not be very easy to do. Here are some of the risks that you can take by not reporting a car accident!

1. Risking a Hit-and-Run

Perhaps the most obvious risk that you can take after leaving the site of an accident without calling the authorities is getting charged with a hit-and-run. Considering the hefty penalties that can result from this, you should always report any sort of collision to the police.

2. Getting Injured without Hope of Compensation

If you get injured in an accident, you might not be aware of it right away. Sometimes, injuries can take a week or so before they are fully noticed. If you don’t report your accident in time, the other driver could theoretically argue that it never occurred. As a result, you might not get compensated for your injuries.

3. Not Getting Compensated for Damage

If you have damage to your vehicle, you might not notice it right away. Mechanical issues, for example, can take a bit of time before they happen. If you notice a mechanical issue the day after an accident you don’t report, for example, you might not get compensated for the damage.

4. Suspension of Your License

If you fail to report accidents, another risk you take is getting your license suspended by the DMV. Usually, this will be for a year. If you rely on your vehicle for your well-being, you should always report your accidents to the authorities.

5. Hefty Fines

One of the reasons that people will call automobile accident lawyers Lancaster PA is because they are facing hefty fees after not reporting their accident. Unless you want to risk paying fees over $2,000 for a car accident that you failed to report, do the responsible thing and call the police.

Need Some Help with a Recent Car Accident?

If you need a Car Crash Lawyer Lancaster pa that can help you get on track after not properly reporting your accident to the police, give us a call at Georgelis Injury Law Firm. Although we cannot promise to take on your case for situations like these, we will at least grant a free consultation.


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