How Workers’ Compensation Payments Are Calculated

Before you consider getting the help of one of the best workers compensation attorneys in Lancaster PA to help you get the most from your workers’ compensation claim, you might be concerned with how payments are calculated. This page will help you understand how much money to expect. 

Your Local Laws

Each state has a set of workers’ compensation class codes that are used to determine the claims you can file for. Therefore, you will first need to check with your local authorities to find out how much money you are entitled to. 

The Type of Claim

Many of the people who get the help of workers compensation lawyer Lancaster PA will feel that their case is being underestimated by their employers. If you have a severe claim that heavily impacts both your personal and work life, you are often entitled to a lot more. 

Using Your Average Wage

If you have to miss a week or more of work because of a work-related injury, then your average wage is often a determining factor for how much you receive. Usually, this is calculated by determining your daily wage, weekly wage, and then paying the appropriate claim. 

Cost of Medical Treatments

If youhave receipts ready for your medical treatment and/or know how much you will soon be paying in the future for medical treatment, these forms will help you know how much money to expect. The total cost of medical treatment is usually paid for entirely. 

Based on Insurance Claims Agents’ Opinion

Just as you might have to negotiate with a car insurance claims agent to get all the money you deserve for your car accident, there are claims agents for workers’ compensation claims. If the agent believes you are only entitled to XX.XX amount of dollars, this is what they will offer you. 

Need Some Help Getting All the Money You Deserve from Your Claim?

If you feel you are getting cheated out of the money you are entitled to, then you should hire one of the top workers compensation lawyers in Lancaster PA. Georgelis Injury Law Firm can help you get all the money you deserve. Give us a call for a free consultation. 


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