Free Legal Advice to Bicyclists from Georgelis Injury Law Firm

Before you find the need to seek out Lancaster bicycle accident attorneys like the legal team here at Georgelis Injury Law Firm, you might need some advice on how to avoid accidents in the first place. Here are some basic pieces of protocol for you to follow. 

Go in the Same Direction as Traffic

In order to avoid problems with drivers and end up needing commercial vehicle accident attorneys Lancaster PA, you should always go the same direction as the traffic. Do not bike on the left side of the road or you can have problems winning your case if you get into an accident. 

Stay to the Right Side and/or In the Bike Lane

While you are on the right side of the road, also be sure to bike in the right side of the lane and/or in the bike lane. This helps the ongoing traffic to continue on without issues of you being in the way. 

Use Lights & Reflectors at Night

One of the most common times for bicyclists to get into problems is when they go out at night. If you choose to bike on the road when it is dark outside, always have lights and reflectors ready. This helps other cars to see you and avoid hitting you on the road. 

Keep Brakes in Good Shape

In the event that you need to stop suddenly, having brakes that are up-to-date is critical. Make sure to inspect and test out your brakes before going out for long rides where you will be on streets with cars. With good brakes, you can avoid serious problems. 

Follow Basic Traffic Protocol

From signaling stops and turns appropriately, to practicing appropriate traffic laws when you are in vehicle lanes, you should always know that you are liable for following traffic laws. As a general rule of thumb, you should also be wearing a helmet at all times. 

Need a Consultation with a Bicycle Accident Law Firm?

Whether you need a bicycle injury lawyer, some of the best semi truck accident lawyers Lancaster County PA, or simply a legal team fluent in all forms of personal injury, Georgelis Injury Law Firm is a great team to call. 



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