5 Signs of a Bad Lawyer

Before you hire a Lancaster auto accident lawyer or any other type of lawyer, you might be concerned with how you can ensure that they are trustworthy and worth your investment. Below, we have listed 5 signs of a bad lawyer. 

1. Terrible Communication

If you expect your lawyer to treat you well, you should also expect them to be good at keeping in touch with you and giving you all the latest updates. If they take days and/or weeks to respond to simple questions, then hire a lawyer who will value you as a client. 

2. No Punctuality

A bad workers compensation lawyer Lancaster PA lawyer puts very little value on the time of their clients. For this reason, they will have no issue showing up late to appointments, canceling at the last minute, rescheduling with little notice, and so on. 

3. Aggressive & Dominating Behavior

In a courtroom, it is common for lawyers to be good with rhetoric. Outside of the courtroom, they should have this same skill without dominating the people around them with aggressive behavior. If you notice passive-aggressive behavior, low-key threats, and so on, then they are probably a bad lawyer. 

4. Unexpected Charges

When you hire a lawyer, it is fair to only pay exactly what you agreed to pay. If you start to get unexpected fees because of “oversight” or similar issues then you have indeed hired a bad lawyer who is unable to accept the consequences of their actions. 

5. Lack of Transparency

When you hire a lawyer, you should know right from the get-go what the process will like. If they are only good at informing you of their current actions, they might not know exactly what they are doing. You should find complete and thorough transparency from a lawyer right from the start. 

Still Searching for a Good Lawyer in Pennsylvania?

If you want to hire a good Lancaster workers compensation attorney that is trustworthy, full of integrity, transparent, and successful with their clients, then consider Georgelis Injury Law Firm. We can help you get started on your case today. Call us for a free consultation. 


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