Can Anxiety & Depression from Car Accidents Receive Compensation?

One of the reasons that people will call one of the experienced accident injury lawyers in Central PA like the folks at Georgelis Injury Law Firm is because they are unsure what type of compensation that they are entitled to. One of the common questions people have is regarding anxiety and/or depression claims. Let’s go ahead and explore this topic in greater detail. 

The Person Liable Will Matter

The first thing that will often matter when making some sort of case like this is who was liable for the accident. If the accident was deemed to be your fault, it will usually be very difficult to make any sort of case that you are then entitled to compensation for anxiety and/or depression. However, this may not always be the case. 

You Usually Will Need to Have Suffered Physical Injuries

To have experienced anxiety that will entitle you to compensation, physical injuries experienced form the accident will often be a pre-requisite.Depending on the nature of the accident, this may not necessarily be the case, though. An automobile accident lawyers Lancaster PA will be the best person to talk to if you are unsure. 

If No Injury Occurred, You May Need Professional Help 

If you went through a car accident recently and are trying to get compensation for anxiety & depression, you might need to first visit a psychologist to get a professional diagnosis. If the psychologist doesn’t find that any sort of serious mental trauma occurred, it will be difficult to make a case for further compensation than for just the car. 

Need Help with a Recent Car Accident? 

If you have gone through a car accident in the past and are seeking a car crash lawyer Lancaster PA that can help you get the compensation that you deserve, give us a call at Georgelis Injury Law Firm. After a free consultation, we will be able to know whether or not you have a case. Due to our strong background of success and high success rate winning cases, we are a great legal team to hire for problems like mental trauma caused by car accidents. 


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