Work Injuries Covered by Workers Compensation

Are you struggling with a work injury that has been causing you anxiety and stress? You might be experiencing some uncertainties, wondering why your work-related injury is not receiving compensation.

The Georgelis Injury Law Firm, P.C, is dedicated to bringing you clarity and offering you the best workers compensation lawyers in Lancaster, PA, to handle your work-related claims.

Not All Work-Related Injuries Are Valid for Workers Compensation Benefits

At Georgelis Injury Law Firm, P.C, we offer a free consultation to our clients and also educate them on the kinds of work-related injuries that a workers' compensation right covers. We help you reduce the stress of filing an invalid claim by educating you on the kinds of work-injuries that the Pennsylvanian law does not cover for workers’ compensation.

There are specific injuries classified under regular daily workers' injuries. These injuries are not given attention in the courtroom. An example of this type of injury is when you injure yourself mistakenly with a piece of malfunctioning equipment.

Work-related injuries that are considered valid for compensation include walking into a sharp object, work auto-accidents, exposure to toxic chemicals at work, getting hit by an object, etc.

We Are Committed to Handling All Your Legal Cases

We will help you prepare your claims according to the requirements of a valid work-related injury claim. Certain factors that make a work-injury claim valid for receiving compensation benefits. Here are some of those factors you should watch out for
  • Your injury must be a product of a work accident
  • You must be able to prove you are not the cause of the injury
  • Your employer or boss must know about the injury
  • Your injury must not be a product of fighting with colleagues

We Offer You the Best Services

Our lawyers are the top workers comp attorneys in Lancaster, PA, who have been voted as the best attorneys in Lancaster because of our reputation of recovering workers' wages and winning compensation benefits for our client's work-related injuries. When you choose us to handle your work-related claims, you are sure of working with the top workers compensation attorneys in Lancaster PA

Guaranteed Rest

While you stay at home or the hospital receiving treatment, we will be busy working, covering every possible base. Going to trial and meeting with the principal sources for your legal case will be handled by our attorneys.

Recover Lost Wages and Compensation Benefits 

We will help recover your lost wages during a period of injury, and a reasonable wage will be negotiated for you while you rest and recover at home.

At Georgelis Injury Law Firm, we are committed to satisfying the desires of our clients. We deploy the best attorneys to handle your case and ensure your victory in the courtroom. Call us today.


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