Types of Work Injuries Covered by Workers Compensation

Workplace accidents are not a new thing, and companies now have compensation plans for workers involved in such. However, some companies often try to boycott compensating workers who are victims of work-related accidents. If you are a victim of an accident in your workplace but ended up receiving no compensation or medical treatment, your next steps are straightforward. Let’s discuss the measures a worker should take in obtaining compensation for work-related injuries.

Things to Note

The accident must have occurred in your workplace or while on office assignments before it can be considered work-related. Your claims would receive no compensations if you were engaged in any of the activities listed below when you sustained the injury.
  • Injury while trying to steal in your workplace
  • Injury sustained by violating your workplace policies
  • Injuries suffered as a result of drug usage or alcohol intoxication
  • Injuries sustained while off work
  • Self-inflicted or intentional injuries
  • Injuries as a result of fighting with coworkers or colleagues at the workplace
You Also Need to Be Aware

A worker’s compensation right does not cover for all work-related injuries. These uncovered injuries are categorized as part of regular work injuries. However, there are only a few numbers of regular injuries experienced at the workplace that are not considered compensable. Such as falling from a ladder or if the equipment you are handling malfunctions and injures you, etc.

It implies that even if you hire the services of top workers comp lawyers in Lancaster, PA, your claims will still not be considered valid.

However, there are specific types of work-related injuries that are covered by workers' compensation rights. They are
  • Auto accidents
  • Collisions and crashes
  • Slip, trip, and falls
  • Accidents by falling objects
  • Muscle strains
  • Inhaling toxic chemicals
What You Should Do

If you’re involved in a work-related accident, after getting first aid treatment, you should ensure that your boss is fully aware of the accident.

If you desire to receive compensation for the work injury;
  • Be aware of the type of injury you sustained and confirm if it is a case eligible for compensation.
  • Hire the services of top workers compensation lawyers in Lancaster, PA. You need the skill and experience of a comp lawyer to help to secure your workers' compensation benefits.

Every worker is entitled to compensation for a workplace injury, but only if the case is valid in the company's protection duty. The information in this article will aid workers to understand better how to deal with the issues of injury compensation without resulting in external conflicts.


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